New release: Digital collection of my essays

After taking my books Dwelling on the Threshold and Between the Worlds out of print earlier this year, I’ve received several inquiries about whether they were still available somewhere or if I had plans to republish them, and I realized that there is still demand for this writing, especially as not many other people are covering some of these topics. So I sat down and read through the contents of both books thoroughly, keeping only the pieces I still felt comfortable with, and which still felt relevant, and also editing them to remove some of the more personal stuff. Then I added a few more recent pieces as bonus material, and compiled everything into one document.

Despite my longstanding preference for physical books, at this point I feel like releasing this collection in digital format is the best route, as it allows me some flexibility if I want to make future changes – plus, they started out digital anyway, being first published on this blog.

So if you never got copies of these books and are interested in reading the work, the collection is now available in my Etsy shop. I’ve titled it At the Edges. It is available as a PDF (my preferred format, as it retains the layout and design of the original books) as well as an ebook in EPUB and KPF (Kindle) formats.

~ by Dver on November 8, 2023.

One Response to “New release: Digital collection of my essays”

  1. I’m so glad you’ve decided to do this! Also that I snagged paper copies before they went out of print. But I agree that this is still stuff that is relevant and necessary, and I’m glad you’re keeping them available.

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